Package-level declarations
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open class ValidatedEntityAttribute : ValidatedField<ValidatedEntityAttribute.EntityAttributeInstanceHolder>
A validated Pairing of an EntityAttribute and a corresponding EntityAttributeModifier
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open class ValidatedIdentifier @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValue: Identifier, val allowableIds: AllowableIdentifiers, validator: EntryValidator<Identifier> = allowableIds) : ValidatedField<Identifier> , Updatable, Translatable, Comparable<Identifier>
A validated Identifier field.
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A validated provider of Ingredient
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object ValidatedRegistryType
Helper to create validation for Registered objects, specifically things in a DefaultedRegistry like Items and Blocks.
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open class ValidatedTagKey<T : Any> @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValue: TagKey<T>, predicate: Predicate<Identifier>? = null) : ValidatedField<TagKey<T>>
A validated TagKey